9/24/19: We had another catastrophic failure with the RV this past weekend. (Hydraulic system and living room slide.) I've already put too much money into this RV and I'm just not willing to spend more money on it. We're throwing in the towel on this RV, selling it and moving on. Pics and movie for our last trip, Alafia River State Park, Lithia, FL, can be found in "Our Adventures." All of the Pics and Animations (found in the "Philosophy" link) will still be updated. After we get rid of this POS we're going to look at some TTs (Travel Trailers).

Welcome to our website. Nobody just runs out and buys an RV and everything is pretty flowers and little birdies. You have to learn a lot of stuff. You have to learn a lot of stuff before, during, and after you buy an RV. So we make note of much of that here because we've learned a lot along the way, we're still learning as we go, and we've learned a lot from other RVers on the Internets and that YouTube-thang.

But let's be honest, too much of what goes around the Internet and Youtube is boring and waay too much is self-serving. We'll try not to be boring and we aren't selling or even representing anything.

We like it simple: We drive around Florida in our RV with our dog visiting State and National parks and campgrounds, enjoying nature trails and hiking. That's it...

Our Dog

(Recently Updated)
Our RV

(No Longer Updated)

Our RV

(No Longer Updated)
Our RV

(No Longer Updated)

Our Adventures

(Recently Updated)

Our YouTube Channel

(Recently Updated)

Our YouTube Channel Videos
(Without Youtube overhead...)

(Recently Updated)

Email Steve
Email Kathy

(Recently Updated)
(Some stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else...)

Our 1ST Road Trip!
We needed to weigh our RV. Partly because I was getting nervous about adding all our gear and also because I wanted to drive this beautiful beast. It had NOTHING to do with the fact that the nearest weigh station had a Cinnabon right there.
We have plenty of load capacity remaining! Gotta get more stuff!

Special thanks to some folks we found especially entertaining, especially informative, or both. Please visit their websites and enjoy their YouTube Channels.

We hope you enjoy our website.